the dreams become more then real, when do you know where
reality stops and imagination takes over? When you hear
voices in your head, are they really there, or are they
figments of your imagination. Am I who I think I am...or
am I something different. I know that I'm not like others
in this world, but what am I?
I keep
seeing scenes, from my own view, but I know that I have
not experienced them, are they from another life, Or am I
going crazy? I've always said that if you can ask
yourself the question of if you're crazy, it's a good
sign that you aren't but who am I to say. My world seems
to be spinning in circles, and I know that all the
circles of my life connect to the other ..but what if I
don't want to continue in the same circle, what if I want
to break free.
if life was a strait line...always being able to see
where you are going and where you have been, would people
be happy. Or would it make a difference, would I like to
know where the future is heading, I don't think I would.
I don't like not knowing, but it is better not to know
that you will fail and try rather then knowing and not
trying because you know you will fail. Why are there some
people who see the glass as half full and others as half
empty? Are all people one or the other? Or are there some
who are balanced between the good and the bad side of
life. I know that I am not one of those people, I have
always had an easier time seeing the darker side of life,
I live in shadows. And I see what others cannot. The
dragons for instance.
~ huge black, with purple/red/silver edging on wings face
and spine. My first dragon and teacher/protector.
~ mid-size silver green and blue. Didn't stay with me
long, said that I was no fun.
~ large white with blue eyes, quiet and reserved.
~ my shadow guard, cousin to Shazier and Eshain.
~ Silver shadow, young but responsible.
are many others but due to space and time I will not
mention more then I have already. The most pormanant in
my life has been Foretran he was my first teacher and one
of the bravest friends that anyone could wish for.
If you think that you have a dragon watching over you and
wish to know more about him/her/them, please feel free to
contact me.
And here is a hint, they comunicate by emotions, so if
you are thinking and feeling lots you need to focus and
relax. I recomend any of the meditations that you can
find on the main page of this site to help clear your
mind and focus your thoughts.
If you can use visualization, I strongly recomend it.
First see your dragon, and then visualize yourself in the
scene. Concentrate on how you feel about them let them
know that you know that they are there. And how it makes
you feel to know that you now have someone who will
always be with you, and love you unconditionally.