The Pentacle Meditation

1. Sit or
lay down in a dark candle-lit room and relax your body
down, using deep breaths, and relaxing movements. If you
find you can relax down, have a catnip and spearmint tea,
and do tai chi, or do yoga.
2. Visualize nothing but pitch black darkness, and
the point of a blue flame like a gas burner
starting near the top.
3. Hear in your mind.. "Hearken all ye
4. Visualize the flame going down to the lower left-hand
corner of the blackness and coming to a point.
5. Hear in you mind.. "Grounded in her
6. Visualize the flame going up to the upper/center
right-hand corner of the blackness and coming to a point.
7. Hear in your mind.. "Bathed in her Seas,.."
8. Visualize the flame going across to the upper/center
left-hand corner of the blackness and coming to a point.
9. Hear in your mind.. "Cooled by her Winds,.."
10. Visualize the flame going down to the lower
right-hand corner of the blackness and coming to a point.
11. Hear in your mind.. "Warmed by the fire."
12. Visualize the flame returning to the top point
forming a pentagram of the blue flame, and then a circle
forming around it.
13. Hear in your mind.. "As above, so below As
within, so without As the universe, so the soul."
The rite has ended.
Once you can memorize this complete you can call the
protective power of the pentacle wherever you are.
