This is written by my
sister in soul Syrosa. She is the keeper of the dragon
lore, and the historian. I hope you lean much, and
possibly remember your past.
There have been those
who have expressed interest in Dragon's Lore, so I will
tell you what I remember.
I'll start with the four clans and their
personalities, and the personalities of humans who have
been re-encarnated from the clans. There is a fifth clan,
but that clan is Stormwatcher, and he's his own clan, at
the same time he is all other clans. (it's a little
confusing. He's the guardian of the second gate)
As a note, no dragon
clans are evil in and of themselves, though occasionally
an individual dragon will be drawn to the dark paths.
Certain clans are more sadistical and unfriendly towards
humans than others, but this does not make them evil.
Also, all dragons will have an affinity for the elements,
fire especially.
First up we have Red
Chasm which is the clan of Fire. They are extremely
solitary and often violent in nature. Red Chasm dragons
are easily angered and can hold a grudge for an
incredible length of time. They do not like other
intelligent species, and would rather eat a sentient than
make conversation with it. They are also extremely
unfreindly to their own species, with a few exeptions.
(note, not ALL Red Chasm dragons are like this, but it is
a tendancy that they have) Red Chasm dragons tend to be
sadistical, and have been known to practice cannibalism
on occaision. They are very solitary and live, usually
alone, in the bowels of the earth. There is one
intelligent species that they do communicate with, and
that is Fire Salamanders, who share territory with them.
Red Chasm dragons who have been re-encarnated as humans
tend to be loners, usually have very short fuses and stay
angry for a very long time. They are fiercly loyal to
causes they beleive in, and they are stubborn as mules.
They have a fascination with fire to the point of
pyromania, and some will find that flames around them,
whether they are candles, or fireplaces, or otherwise,
will react with their emotions and mental states. Red
Chasm dragons preferred raw elemental magics to psy
magics and more conventional magics. They were usually
red or other fire tones, rarely they had ash highlights
and sometimes they had metal highlights, though they were
never wholly metallic.
Ocean Deeps was the
dragon clan of water. These dragons are very social with
members of their own clan, but often reclusive and hard
to find for other sentients, other clans included. These
dragons are mellow and easy- going, and will always
prefer negotiation and compromise to battle. When
encountered they are friendly, if a little shy. These
dragons are extremely gentle, always trying to avoid
confrontation and pain on anyone's part. They live quite
comfortably in the earth's oceans, breathing easily both
in air and water. The magics of these dragons are mainly
psy magics, though they dabble in the other magics.
Compromising and adaptable, these dragons change with the
seasons, though they will remain constant to their morals
and their high standards. They are very true friends and
very emotional in nature. Humans re-encarnated from this
clan are often very fond of the water and will choose to
live in places with a good view of a water source. They
are usually very gifted, telepathically and empathically.
They love animals and animals will do anything for them.
They are usually quite easy-going but have a tendancy to
become wildly emotional at the drop of a hat. They can be
quite shy, but once befreinded, a truer friend could not
be found anywhere. Ocean Deeps dragons were usually blue,
green, purple, or variants of these colours. They were
often highlighted with grey, yellow, or white, and
sometimes had metal highlights, of gold, silver, or
platinum, though they were never wholly metallic. They
were the smallest of the dragons
Rolling Thunder was the
dragon clan of air. Dragons from this clan are extremely
social and gregarious. They have very strong and well
developed senses of humor were rarely found alone. These
dragons tended to travel in packs, or mobs, and often
acted like roving pranksters. Mercurical in temperment,
these dragons could go from 0-raging-giggly and back
again in a few seconds. These dragons would either talk
an enemy to death or outright battle them, depending on
their mood. Some have a sadistical streak, but they are
sadistical for laughs, instead of for rage. Usually even
those unfortunates who bear the butt of their jokes will
laugh about them in the end. These dragons can be
stubborn as mules at times, but be prepared for
split-second about-faces and sudden decisions. They tend
to have two groups of friends, the mobs they travel with
in public, and small groups of true friends with whom
they are actually serious. Humans re-encarnated from
these dragons are great manipulaters of others, often
jokers, lawyers, or politicians. They enjoy storms,
especially thunderstorms, and revel in the power of the
wind. Often they are very talented with clairvoyance or
telepathy, sometimes empathy as well. The dragons of this
clan were usually very dark in colour, being black, dark
blue, purple, or green, rarely dark red, or hematite.
Some dragons were wholly metallic, but usually this was a
dark metal like hematite. Sometimes they had silver or
platinum highlights, and were often mottlings of many
dark colours in one. They were the second largest in
size. They had an active hatred for Red Chasm Dragons,
and would usually fight when confronted by these enemies.
They had an alliance with White Mountain.
White Mountain dragons
were the dragons of Earth. They were quite gregarious and
often gathered in small groups to discuss philosophy,
theology, science, art, magic, etc. They were very great
intellectuals. Peace-loving and gentle, these dragons
enjoyed being able to sit back and watch the world go by.
They could sometimes be quite lazy, almost taciturn.
Posessed of dry senses of humor and a flair for facts,
when presented with something they knew as a
misinformation, they would be quick to correct the
source. These dragons acknowledged and utilized all types
of magic: psy, elemental, and more conventional magic,
which they referred to as 'High magic'. They were
pacifistic by nature but would fight when pressed to it.
Humans re-encarnated from these dragons are usually very
intellectual and are great thinkers. They will often
teach their fellow humans, even if they are not
professional teachers. They enjoy nature and the
outdoors, and 'roughing it' can be a fun concept to them.
They usually have minor talents in most or all of the psy
skills, occasionally they have major talents, but usually
in a few selected abilities, like empathy, or
clairvoyance. They are often very heavily into
spirituality and religeon. Dragons of this clan were
usually very light in colour, very often metallic, or
pearled. Sometimes they are crystalline, but this is
rare. These dragons were quite often mottles of metallics
or wholly metallic. They were the second smallest of the
dragons, and had an alliance with Rolling Thunder.

These are the four
main clans of the dragons. All other clans have branched
from pure lines or combinations of clan lines from these
original four. As my life was in the time before the new
clans, I can't tell about these new clans. I could tell
which clans they sprung from based on their personalities
and colours, but I couldn't tell much else.
This is the first of her
writings on dragons, the next chapter will tell about the
alliance between Rolling Thunder clan, of which I was
head, and the White Mountain clans. And the impact it had
on the Great War at the end of the Third Age of Dragons.
