Grounding and

Grounding and
centering is the absolutely essential first step for any
energy working. It's the thing that makes sure you are
pulling the energy from the Earth, instead of depleting
your own resources. Without it, you will find yourself exhausted (or
highly exhilarated) immediately after doing work, and
then sick, headachy, dizzy, or faint afterwards.
Sometimes the headache can persist for days afterwards. All of these are signs
that something is wrong. Fortunately, it's easy
to fix! Grounding and centering is a simple thing that is
a natural ability in all of us. For some reason (probably
that it smacks of the occult) it's rarely taught in the
schools now, though. So this is your chance to learn it
here. Sit comfortably,
without any part of your body resting on any other part
(no crossed legs, etc.) and smile. (It relaxes you
wonderfully to smile.) You probably already
know this; but you have more than one body. The ones we
are going to be concerned with here are your physical
body, and your etheric body. Just assume for now that you
have the body you are used to thinking of as
"you," and you also have another one, larger
and subtler, that has all the same parts and is around
your physical body like two layers of an onion. Think of
it as a blue outline. The point of the first
part of the exercise, centering, is to line the two
bodies up so that the energy can flow freely. You do this
sort of like zipping a zipper. Hold the picture firmly in
your mind, and line up the two red dots, physical and
etheric, front to back and side to side. As you visualize
(imagine) them coming together, hear the note C in your
head. The first note of the scale. Then carefully
visualize all the others coming together as well, one by
one, front to back and side to side until there is only
one colored light. As you do, go on up the scale; doe,
ray, me, fa, so, la, tea, doe. (Yes, I know I'm
spelling them wrong; but many people are used to hearing
them, not seeing them written out, and this way they will
sound like they should.) When you get to the
final doe, visualize your whole body wrapped in white
light. If this is really hard
for you, visualize it going the other way, starting with
your crown chakra, the violet light on the top of your
head, and going down your body and down the scale. But
try to learn to do it the other way, because it makes
grounding easier. For the second part of
the exercise, Grounding, it is absolutely essential that
you be centered. If you aren't, please go back and read
that part now. Starting with your
crown chakra, the purple spot at the top of your head,
visualize (imagine) a cord of light going all through
your body, connecting your chakras as it goes. See it coming down from
the root chakra, and becoming a root itself. Feel it
going through your chair, through the floor, through the
foundation of the building, and into the ground. Feel the
warm, fertile ground below you. And feel your root going
deeper and deeper, down through the ground, down below
the deepest well. There is a whole core of energy down
there. The core of the planet is full of pure, clean,
loving energy; and the Earth means her children to use
it. So draw that energy up
your root now, up through the ground, through the soil,
through the foundation, and the floor, and the chair, and
into your body. Feel that pure clean energy coming into
your body. And pull it on up
through your body, up through all your chakras, up
through your crown chakra, up through the top of your
head. And as it comes, it washes away all the tired, old,
nasty energy, and fills you with clean, pure, fresh
energy, energy from the Earth. And let it come out of
the top of your head, and flow out like a fountain, like
the branches of a tree, up and arching gracefully down,
and flowing back into the Earth. You are sitting in the
center of a circuit now; a circuit of energy flowing up
from the center of the Earth, through your body, through
the top of your head, and back down into the Earth again.
See how that feels? If
you are doing it right, you will be able to feel it. If
not, try it again some other time. It's really not hard. Now, the important
thing to remember at this point is not to get greedy and
try to keep too much of the energy. When you are finished
with the exercise, you should have exactly as much energy
as is normal for you. No more, and no less. Just think of
yourself as taking no more and no less, and your own body
will even it out for you. It's nice and clean and
fresh, but it's the same amount. If it isn't, you will
wind up with one of the headaches again. And you don't
want that! Keep doing this for a
few minutes every day, and soon it will be as easy as
taking a deep breath. And it will make you feel so much
better! Not just when working
with energy, but when facing any kind of stress, or
tension, or fear, or exertion, or anything. Being
grounded and centered just makes life a bit easier to
