Krymson Rose

I am an eclectic solitary witch, self taught, and self dedicated.
I started practicing magick when I was a small child. I
enjoy nature, and love animals. All my life I have been
fascinated with the mystical, dragons being my favorite.
If you've been looking through my site you know that I am
a poet, if I dare to call myself such. I Love reading,
ever since I was a child. When I was in my teens someone
introduced me to the works of Anne McCaffery, I was in
heaven. I currently own all her books and most of
Mercedes Lackeys works as well. I am currently in the
middle of writing three books, I have the middle book of
the trilogy almost complete. I'm a pretty average girl I guess, oh yea I have a tatoo!!
 Above the left breast
I plan on getting at least two more, a pentagram on my ankle bone, and a dragon on my shoulder blade.
I'm currently just looking for good designs for them, so if you have any email them to me.
Listed below are a few of my closest companions, I am
currently working on renovating this site. So visit back
to view the changes and enjoy your stay. I have made a few pages about just myself if
you want to know more about me The Dreamers Nest
is the place to know more about the person that I am.
Knight Wolf
What to say about someone that you feel that you have known forever? This Knight is talented as you can
see if you go to his spot in my caverns and take a look at the poems that I've been allowed to use here
on my pages.
For a time this one had disapeared, from both my site and my life, now he's back and a good friend once
again. One of those people that you don't know how much you miss them till they're gone.
D'Que'El A good friend of mine that I seem to have known
forever. I have some of his original art work up on this site.
Syrosa She is one of my dearest friends.
We have known each other since we were children. She is my sister in soul if not in body.
Glassteel Well M'Lord, I finally got to add you to
my friends page! *laughing*
Sunlight and Shadows,
Who lurks in your dreams?
Who stands by unnoticed,
Not hidden, Unseen.
Who's presence you feel,
A whisper on skin.
A comfort that holds you
Tunes out the worlds din.
Someone you trust,
Who holds the old code.
Like a shield of power,
A friend much more then simply a friend.
Someone you can trust,
When all else fails.
Rathi Lord Xiphiod Nicor
Merry Meet Wing brother! Seeee I finally got around to editing
my site and now you have your own spot in the caverns
that I call home. I hope that life finds you well in your
quests. You've always been someone I know I can lean on
if I need a shoulder. Increadably caring and brave, thank
you My Lord. Safe winds on your Journeys.
He is one of the first people I started talking to on the net
about wicca he gave me the addresses for some good sites.
And was always willing to talk about wicca. I haven't't
heard from him much lately, but I miss talking to him.
Silver Moon
She is an angel, the sweetest person you would ever want
to meet. She is a pure white witch, who loves nature and
animals. I don't really know a lot about her. But you can
find her in the chathouse
under the name DarkLove or Silver Moon.
In Memory of Silver Moon, we wish you well wherever you are and hope you are
at peace at last. She passed from this world April 11,
1999 she had been battling cancer for the longest time
and it was finally to much for her body to handle I know
that wherever she is now, she is at peace.
Keeper of Hell
Collector of souls,
People fall silent,
Wherever he goes.
He has many names,
Death, Pluto, Satan, The Grim Reaper.
He is Hades, lord of the dead.
If you're not careful,
The next soul may be yours
What to say about this character, there is so much about him that I appreciate.
He is a person of deep thoughts, and as caring as anyone could ever wish.
He is a practicionar of magick, and the person that I trust the most here.
And if anyone knows what a jijalo is........this is one...
Another increadably close friend, both on on the net and in real
time. Hedes introduced us (much to the dismay of a few
males) and we've been harassing whomever we come across.
We are so much alike it's scarey sometimes, as some
people have found out. We tease a lot, but if you do meet
us (pray that you don't) you're lives will never be the
same again I can promise you that.
Zhai'heleva brother of mine!! *huge hugs* I'm so glad I've finally
found you!! He is my brother, not of blood but of spirit.
A individual of deep thought and feeling. I know how he
feels, being lost and alone, unsure of where he is
going, and not sure where he's been....but remember the
goddess holds all of her children in her heart. There
will always be one that loves you. Even if it seems like
the rest of the world is out to get you, she will be
there for you, as will I.
Wolf Kin
What to say about him. I've not known him long, but already he
has been of tremendous help to me. A protector on the
Astral realms and in this one as well. Why are there
those who your heart seems to call out to?? Who will
connect with you on a deeper level then that of the
Noble, loving, fearless, and caring. All of the qualities I
admire and strive for. He can be as fearsome as his
namesake the Tiger, or as gentle as a breeze. He is one
of those that you feel safe around, with him it is like
standing in the eye of a storm. All around you the winds
of the world may howl, but with him there is calm and
peace. He is my Angel, and my friend.
To him I bow and lift my hat. A true poet, and friend. I have
great respect and admiration for his work. And one day
hope to write such moving works as he does.
to find me on icq~11120295
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