The Little Witch -- A Story for Beginners

A Short Story by John (1/26/99)
Many people are investigating the religions of Witchcraft, Wicca
and other Neo-Pagan Paths today. There are many books and reference materials
available, yet after some self study, there are some folks who would like
to meet and perhaps work with a physical teacher. This can be a rewarding
learning experience - or it could turn out to be your worst nightmare...
Preface: After reading on internet message boards post after post,
usually entitled "Please Help Me!" from *newbie's* and beginners and others
who are interested in Wicca and Witchcraft, I decided to compose a kind
of general response, especially tailored for the younger/teen reader. After
all, I was once a *newbie* too, and I would have benefited from such a
post, if there had been such things as online message boards back then.
It's my hope, vain perhaps, that at least some *newbie's* will read
this and have some of their
questions answered. It's also my hope that some of the more experienced
Witches and Wiccans will see what I attempted to communicate, as well as
the humor I offered. --John
The Little Witch -- A Story for Beginners
Once upon on a time, maybe last week or so, a little witch went to
a beautiful place. It could have been a beach by the ocean, a ledge by
the mountains, a park in the city, or any place where there was a decent
view of some natural beauty.
The little witch found a bench and sat down, carefully avoiding the
latest deposits of chewing gum and graffiti, and went into a light alpha
state. There, she let go of the never-ending stresses of the day: family
concerns, work issues, how to pay the bills, etc. She let go of all her
spiritual worries and doubts. She gave over everything to the Goddess and
the God and felt Their peace. After she tried to telepathically say hello
to a nearby bird, who in reply pooped the undigested remains of a candy
bar and flew away, the duly humbled little witch relaxed and took in the
beautiful scenery in front of her and around her, letting things happen
as they must.
As she thus relaxed, the sounds of a nearby conversation invaded
her consciousness. It was an excited, energetic conversation, and it went
something like this:
"I'm gonna cast that spell !"
"Oh kewl !"
"That'll be fun!"
Annoyed but curious, the little witch perked up her ears and listened
to more of the conversation. As she looked at them, she saw that they were
three girls (though it could have just as easily been boys or other new
or inexperienced people). The conversation continued.
"Like, I'm just so glad to do this stuff. I always *knew* I was a
Witch !" the first girl said.
"You always *were* a Witch," the second girl said imperiously. "Didn't
you read that part about reincarnation?"
"Well, that's what I meant," the first one replied.
"Hey guys," the third girl said, "you like said what I was thinking!
It's our psychic bond. We're sisters in the Craft !"
Restraining the urge to regurgitate her last meal, the little witch
forgot her manners and openly stared at the group as it continued its conversation.
"I'm gonna work on my *powers*" the third girl continued. "The *new
moon* is coming up, and that's supposed to be a good time for working magic!"
"That's stupid !" the first girl said.
"It's not *stupid*" the second one said, helpfully.
"It's just that, the *new moon* is for banishing stuff, like *bad
energy.* You can't ask for powers then."
"Well," said the third girl, studiously ignoring that response,
"I wanna get my powers soon, and I don't wanna wait a whole month!"
The first girl merely shrugged, and the second girl fiddled with
her brand-new, ancient Tarot deck.
At this, the little witch didn't quite keep from chuckling, which
the group heard.
"Hey, lady, what are you laughing at?" the first girl asked.
"Yeah, you'd better watch out; we've got *powers*" the third girl
mischievously giggled.
The second girl looked up from her deck. Then, with a look that
was half taunting and half knowing, she said, "We're Witches."
And the little witch simply replied, "You are? How nice. So am I."
The group was stunned. After all, the little witch struck them as
ordinary, maybe even diminutive. Her looks were normal, as were her clothes
and jewelry.
All in all, she looked like a regular person, someone who could be
described, contemptuously by some, as "one of the little people." She did
not seem at all to be powerful, beautiful or important. Still, she had
said she was a Witch ! Maybe she was in disguise, using a kind of glamour to keep others from seeing her power or her beauty. As the
thought simultaneously crossed the girls' minds, they became excited.
Then, their expressions changed, as if they had found a wonderful surprise.
The girls showed expressions of joy and started plying the little witch
with questions.
"So, you're like a *real* Witch?" the third girl asked.
"Yes," Little Witch replied.
"Have you been doing it long? the second girl asked.
"Long enough," said Little Witch.
"Oh wow, so like maybe you could answer some questions," said the
first girl. "We're, like, new to this. But, we just *know* we're witches,
and we, like, totally believe in it."
"I'll do my best," said Little Witch with a smile.
The girls thought a moment. One of them asked, "So, can you fly?"
Little Witch laughed and said, "Only in an airplane, and that's
when the flight hasn't been overbooked."
The girls were a little startled, but only for a moment. "Can you,
like, move things with your mind? You know, like maybe when you're really
angry at something?"
Little Witch momentarily thought back to her last grocery shopping
expedition, when she had foolishly chosen the "express" lane and learned
anew the virtue of patience. "No," Little Witch said, "I can only move
things with my hands or with machines and sometimes with luck."
Not put off, the third girl asked with a nervous giggle, "Well, can
you stop time?"
I wish, the Little Witch thought. "No, I can't stop time, though
certain hair products help slow it down a little..." the Little Witch added
with a chuckle.
"But, you've got, like, powers, right?" the third girl continued.
Little Witch sighed and said, "The only *powers* I have are from
developing my talents and skills. And I do that through hard work, determination,
and patience."
"Aren't you even psychic?" the first girl asked. Little Witch smiled
to herself as she recalled the last time she totally missed something obvious.
"I'm about as psychic as anyone else," said Little Witch. "I may have worked
on it more than most folks. But, I don't have anything special. I get intuitions.
Sometimes I can sense what others are feeling or that they're worried about
something, but that could be just as much from reading body language and
context than anything psychic."
"Sometimes I get a dream that comes true or a flash of what might
be. And there are some deeper things I can, with effort, perceive. But,
that's about it. If I were really psychic, I'd be rich from the lottery
or the stock market !"
"*Can* you predict the lottery?" the first girl asked excitedly.
"No," replied Little Witch with annoyance.
"But, you, like, practice magic, right?" asked the second girl.
"You make things happen."
The Little Witch smiled and said, "Yes, I do practice magic. But
when it works, which doesn't always happen, it's pretty unspectacular.
It helps things work out. It doesn't make stuff materialize out of thin
air. It's not like the special effects you see on TV or movies. It's another
way for natural laws to operate; it's *not* a way to break or get around
natural laws."
"Can you make someone like you?" impatiently asked the third girl.
The Little Witch frowned. The *love spell* issue, yet again. She
replied, "I can't *make* anyone do anything. People have their own free
will. Do as you truly will, so long as it doesn't harm anyone. That means
respecting other people, and that means respecting their free will too.
If you don't, you end up *hurting* other people as well as yourself. As
for whether people like me, I try to simply be myself and, like I said,
I try to respect other people and their free will. After that, people can
like me or not, as they choose."
The girls were quiet for a moment. They didn't expect to meet a Witch,
but they assumed a Witch had "powers" and that her magic would look like
special effects, and that a Witch could command or control others. What
Little Witch had said didn't sound like what a Witch
was, and they said so.
"So, like, what good are you? You sound like anybody else." The first
girl was becoming confused.
"Exactly," replied Little Witch. "I *am* just like anybody else.
I have a job; I have a family, and I spend most of my day trying to take
care of those things."
The second girl joined in: "But, can you change things? I mean,
like, can you make things happen?"
The Little Witch smiled. "Girls, a Witch isn't someone who makes
things happen, like making things appear out of thin air. A Witch is someone
who helps things happen, naturally, in special ways."
The Little Witch paused and continued. "If you want to *know* how
things physically happen in the world, in Nature, study science. The word
"science" means knowledge, and it's the knowledge of Nature's physical
laws and how Nature physically works. And if you want to *make things happen,*
study technology: engineering, chemistry, physics, computers, that kind
of stuff."
"Science and technology are about Nature's physical laws and the
ways that people can use those to cause physical changes. In fact, science
and its physical applications, technology, are the most consistently effective
ways that human beings have devised to understand and cause physical changes."
"After all, the TV, the microwave oven, modern medicine, and pretty much
everything we use in daily life came through patient, dedicated study of
physical laws (science) and trying to use that knowledge to make
physical changes (technology). Those things *didn't* come from waving a
magic wand; they came from science and technology."
Little Witch continued, "Just remember that people don't *change*
Nature, and they can't *conquer* Nature either. People and the world around
us *are* Nature, or, more accurately, parts of Nature. Remember that we
are part of Nature, and therefore remember to take care of Nature, and
then science and technology can be wonderful."
"Besides, there's good money to be made in science and technology,
especially in computers, and there are not nearly enough women in those
fields. So, by studying -- really hard-- science and math and technology,
you could learn how to "make things happen" and, make money too !"
The girls were really confused now. They expected to hear about
magic and spells and instead they heard --from a Witch! -- about science
and technology and *stuff*! Before the girls could protest, Little Witch
went on:
"Now, if you want to learn how to change the world by changing people,
let me give you a piece of advice. learn how to change *yourself* first.
That doesn't mean doing whatever the heck you feel like or not thinking
about other people. Quite the opposite is true: we define ourselves most
often by how we deal with the world and the people in it."
"The point is, you *can't* change someone else. We can influence
others, but we can only ever truly change ourselves. But here's the mysterious
part: We can change ourselves only by going outside of ourselves --through
other people or through the world or interiorly through our deepest selves.
Either way, we can discover the interconnection of all people and all
"Some know this as "God"; many Witches call It "the Goddess and
the God." Others have other Names for It, but perhaps the best name is
simply "Love." That love, the love that connects and transforms all and
that *is* All, is the only thing that can really "change the world."
The girls were silent and confused, *really* confused. But Little
Witch continued:
"Aside from changing yourself, there are other things you can do.
Lawyers help people work in compliance with the law, which is one of the
most powerful ways the world's people give themselves order. Business is
a way for people to create and collect and distribute wealth. Trades and
skills allow people to transform the physical world into useful things,
anything from farmers growing food to machinists making things to musicians
making music!"
"All the worlds' work can be a way to change, for better or for
worse, in big ways or in small ways, the world."
All the girls were impatient by now, especially the second girl.
She asked, "What are you talking about?
That isn't Witchcraft!"
And Little Witch replied, "Perhaps. But what I was talking about
are transformations, and transformations *are* the stuff of Witchcraft."
"Look, just because there are magical and spiritual transformations
doesn't mean we can ignore the physical transformations. A Witch is in
tune with *all* transformations, though some perhaps more than others."
(Here Little Witch thought, but did not say, that many Witches focus on
spiritual and magical transformations but, like everyone else, Witches
occupied with the realities of physical transformations, which constitute
most of daily life,
too.) Little Witch continued, "The key is the harmony of transformations,
all of them, in ways that are most beneficial for Nature. You have to know
about all transformations, especially the physical ones, to live well."
One of the girls was annoyed and said, "You use big words, like
'transformations.' Why can't you just talk normally?"
And Little Witch smiled and said, "I use 'big words' to have a 'bigger
mind.' Try it yourself."
The girls were silent for a moment by the quick exchange. Mostly,
they were silent and confused by Little Witch's "normal" talk --like from
their parents!-- and nothing about spells and powers.
This did not suit the girls, not at all. The first girl asked, "So
what makes you a Witch? I mean, I could hear that stuff you said anywhere,
even from my parents !"
The third girl chimed in, "Yeah, what makes you a Witch if don't
have powers?"
And the second girl, in a moment of real perception simply asked,
"So, what *is* a Witch?"
Little Witch paused, framing her answer. And here is what she said:
"A Witch is, first of all, a person like any other. We eat, we sleep,
we poop (well, when the body cooperates), we breathe. We have families.
We work to make a living. We live in houses or apartments or other places,
not in fairy castles or in the clouds.
We're real, regular people."
"But, a Witch is different from other people too. A Witch can work
alone, a solitaire, or work with a group of Witches, a coven, but she is
always "other." "That's not just because she is always studying, either
out of books or directly from Nature or through prayer and meditation.
It's because she sees and is united to the world in a way that most others
"A Witch sees that everything is interconnected, that causes have
effects everywhere. She sees the regular world and she "sees" (she is aware
of) the unseen (invisible) parts of the world too. She also sees and knows
that, on a certain level, everything is One. And she knows how all of this,
taken together, is the source of great power."
"That great power expresses itself in everything, and it acts in
all the forms we see and more. But the power is itself just an expression
of something bigger, something vaster, something in everything and beyond
everything and the source and ending of everything too. Some people call
this "God" and others call It by other Names. ("For Truth is One and the
sages call It by different Names," as one holy book, the Rig Veda,
puts it.) But the Witch sees this Truth primarily through Nature."
"That includes people and animals and plants and herbs and rocks
and things we can't see with our physical eyes too, like spirits and other
"worlds." And the Witch works with Nature to help things and events in
Nature to unfold.
"That's magic, and it's not Hollywood style special effects. Its
real, but it usually works by making something more likely to happen than
otherwise was the case. Witches know that we are, in a very intimate way,
one with Nature. And, united with Nature and for the benefit of all Nature,
we work with Nature."
Since the girls were listening to her, Little Witch kept going:
"You should also see that Witches are *not* Satanists, and we don't
do things like sacrifice children or animals, and we don't try to do harm,
like by manipulating people or cursing them. Those things are wrong. Also,
we know that everything is interconnected; if we use the power of the interconnectedness
of Nature to harm, it will only harm ourselves.
The girls were still quiet, so Little Witch figured --what the hey?--
and continued.
"So, if you want to be liked or popular, be true to yourselves and
be respectful of others and the popularity will come on its own."
"If you want to be special or mysterious, know that you already
are. Then, spend some time discovering that, by mediation within and by
good actions to others. You don't need bizarre clothes or secret codes;
you just need to truly pursue love. And you can do that by being good to
yourself and, especially, by doing good to others for the sake of goodness
even when it is hard or when there is no apparent benefit."
"And, if you want love, don't look for a slave to your desires;
don't try to control another. Instead, attract love by giving proper love
and respect to yourself and to others. Like attracts like, and with a reasonable
amount of being active and experience, you will attract the love of others
who are likewise loving. In fact, you probably already are."
"If you want to control nature, know that you cannot. We are merely
aspects of Nature, and we must comply with Nature's laws. However, we can
learn Nature's laws and we can choose to use that knowledge to direct how
Nature works. The most consistent way of doing
this physically is science and technology. Learning and applying
these will produce physical results, including, probably, getting a good
income; so, study math, science and computers and study hard ! "
"Magic is also a way of understanding and working with Nature's
laws. Thus, it can be a complement for science and technology, and you
can certainly practice both. But, when magic works, it doesn't usually
show up as special effects. Instead, it usually merely helps making something
more likely to happen, in a *natural* way. This works because of the power
that is in all of Nature and its interconnectedness; it's *not* because
of *powers.*"
"A Witch is someone who understands and lives all of that and more.
A Witch is someone who is religiously, mystically and magically united
with everything, in everything and as everything, especially as Nature.
Whether the Witch marks the changing seasons of
Nature, meditates, or works magic, the Witch is ultimately doing
these and more: the Witch works with the *all* of Nature, in a very intimate
and total way."
The Little Witch stopped.
The girls were silent as they took in all she had told them. They
began to realize that Witchcraft is more than mysterious clothes or TV
shows or movies or "powers."
The girls began to see too that Witchcraft is not a substitute for
real life, like studying useful skills really hard to make a living or
developing a likable personality and stable relationships. Instead, they
got a glimpse that real Witchcraft is a religion and magic and something
more... something much more, something connected to Nature in ways that
we can see and in ways that can be scarcely comprehended. Mostly, they
saw, perhaps for the first time, that Witches are real, normal people who
are "other" because of their union (on all levels) to what can be called
Nature or "God" or "The Goddess and the God" or a hundred other Names.
This was really different from what the girls had thought about Witchcraft,
and they
would be thinking over what they had heard for a long, long time
Finally, the second girl asked, 'OK, what do we do next if we want
to become Witches, I mean *real* Witches?"
The Little Witch pursed her lips and replied, "First, if you are
minors, you must obey your parents or guardians about how they want to
bring you up religiously. You don't have to believe their religion, but
you do have to do what they say."
"Aw," one of the girls said, "my folks would kill me if they knew
I was into this stuff. They would never let me study Witchcraft."
"If that's how your parents are, " replied the Little Witch, "then
while you are a minor, you will not study Witchcraft. It is a parent's
right to raise their children in the religion of their choice, and its
a child's duty to obey their parents in this regard. "Honor you father
and mother" isn't just a Jewish or Christian commandment."
"Next, develop into a healthy person. Don't do drugs, don't drink
and drive, etc. Eat right, sleep right, do all that good stuff. Just as
important, learn how to love: respect yourself, respect others, and try
to do good for the sake of doing good and not just for what you might get
out of it."
"Third: Study! Study, study, and study some more. Obviously, you
have to hit the books and learn something that will let you support yourself
when you are grown up; for example, science and technology (and computers)."
But, honestly judge your talents (and find out what they are by
trying lots of things), and see how you can use those to make a living.
Maybe your strengths lie in law, business, in a trade, in the arts, in
the humanities, in service, etc. There are lots of opportunities, but none
are available unless you work for them ... even if you cast a spell."
"Study Nature, too: the natural sciences, the human sciences (like
history, anthropology, psychology, sociology, religion, the arts, etc.).
Study Nature directly, too. Get outside and start to experience Nature.
Learn about herbs and trees and the weather and the stars. Finally, learn
how to learn and how to love learning, for as your knowledge grows so too
your wonder grow. "If, after doing this (and when you are old enough),
you still feel an attraction to the Craft, there are plenty of resources
available. There are many excellent books, and there are many materials
online. You may discover that the Craft is not for you; that's wonderful!
Find the way that the Divine has created you to follow. And, if you decide
that the Craft *is* for you, the Goddess and the God will direct your steps.
The girls just sat there. The third girl, the one who wanted powers,
was impatient and not at all entertained; she announced that she needed
to get going and made her way home, ultimately to watch some new fantasy
on the TV.
The first girl, the one who had "known" she a Witch, realized that
she wasn't one. She didn't understand everything she just heard, but she
did understand at least two things: Little Witch had spoken truly and what
she had previously thought about Witchcraft was totally wrong. She also
wasn't too sure if she liked what she had heard: it didn't sound fun or
exciting and, truth be told, it kind of scared her. So, she mumbled some
thanks to Little Witch for her time and left.
The second girl, though, the one who had gone from knowing everything
to understanding that she knew very little indeed, stayed behind. She didn't
say much, and Little Witch eyed her quizzically. The second girl tried
to say something about the weather, then how weird everything went, and
then apologized and started to sound really silly. She said all of a sudden,
"You know everything, don't you!"
Little Witch honestly replied, "No. In fact, the more I learn the
more I realize my ignorance." Little Witch smiled and understood the girl;
in fact, Little Witch was remembering when she first was made conscious
of what real Witchcraft might be.
The girl looked up at Little Witch-who now seemed very big and not
at all "little" - and Little Witch answered her unspoken question: "In
time, perhaps, in time."
by John